Friday, 8 August 2008

Moving agents around a city - followup

Following on from a previous post about how to move agents around a road network using Repast Simphony, I have just finished developing a prototype version which others can download. The program loads a small hypothetical town with a few simple agents, some houses and some roads. The agents choose a random house and then travel there.

The code and some description about how it works are here. I hope it will be useful for others who are developing agent-based models or crime simulations in particular.


Anonymous said...

Hi! You have a great blog. I'm interested in seeing your code, but the zip file can't be downloaded from here. The link asks to login to the NCeSS environment. Cheers, L.

Nick Malleson said...

Sorry, it should be fixed now.


Anonymous said...

I am getting the same error; The link takes me to a login web portal.

Nick Malleson said...

Sorry (again) there was a problem with the site, it should be OK by tomorrow (3rd Oct).